We take care of the numbers, so you don't have to.

Matrimonial  Valuations

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Comprehensive & Understandable Expert Opinions, Every Time. 

Income for Support Calculations

Litigation Accounting & Valuation Experts

Bensen Industries Ltd. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 

The concept of valuing a business, whether it be for a Matrimonial Dispute or alternative reason is a complex matter which requires experience and insight into the business' operations, as well as its future prospect.

In the case of a Matrimonial Dispute the need for extra care in performing this Valuation is critical, as the emotions of the parties involved are high. Each case requires an in-depth understanding of the business in question, and its future prospects.

Our professionals have significant experience in every aspect of accounting, from day-to-day transactions, to financial audits, to forensic investigations. This breadth of knowledge allows us to understand the nature of the business, and analyze the financial records quickly and effectively.

If you would like to receive a Sample Report, please enter your contact information below with the subject line: "Matrimonial Dispute Sample Report", and we would be happy to send a Sample to discuss with you.

In many cases, a Calculation of Income for Support Purposes is a simple matter: review the historical employment income of the parties, and develop a hypothetical scenario for future earnings.

For the cases that aren't simple, however, you want an Expert who can understand the complexity of the case at hand and provide an opinion which represents the true take home earnings of the Support Payer.

Common Examples of these situations are:

  • Self-Employed Individuals
  • Business Owners
  • Individuals who work in "Cash" businesses
  • Employees/Executives with complex performance incentive plans
  • Individuals who receive significant funding or loans from related parties

We have represented both Applicants and Respondents in these complex matters to determine a fair and objective quantum of Income for Support Purposes, which represents the true take-home income of the Support Payer.